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Compare a Normal Neighborhood in Suburbia with the Same Neighborhood with MC Enhancements
an article by our site
Compare a normal neighborhood in suburbia with the same neighborhood with MC enhancements:

normal neighborhood in suburbia

MC neighborhood with Japanese garden
Characteristic | Normal Neighborhood | MC Neighborhood |
Aesthetics | chaotic with clashing styles, messy, standoffish | harmonious, integrated, balanced, inviting, stylish |
Connectedness | disconnected, alienated, unfriendly, detached, divided | connected, united, harmonious, integrated, togetherness |
Relationships | nonexistent, standoffish, cold, superficial, pretentious, phony, sporadic, ineffective | effective, genuine, compassionate, inspiring, joyful, warm |
Nurturing | haphazard, random, erratic, inconsistent, sparse, inadequate | fulfilling, effective, empowering, inspiring, growth-promoting, uplifting, stimulating, enriching |
Happiness | random, unpredictable, incomplete, unlikely, faked, feigned, unreal | predictable, everpresent, complete, real |
Security | insecure, anxious, troubled, hesitant, fearful, unpredicable, random, chaotic | secure, warm, peaceful, self-assured, tranquil, cozy, inspiring |
Childcare | random, unpredictable, superficial, hurried, harsh, authoritarian, ignorant, careless, frustrating, guilt producing, rough | predictable, gentle, authoritative, fair, loving, compassionate, knowledgeable, careful, inspiring |
Elder Care | random, unpredictable, superficial, hurried, harsh, authoritarian, ignorant, careless, frustrating, guilt producing | predictable, gentle, authoritative, fair, loving, compassionate, knowledgeable, careful, inspiring |
Automobile Use | frequent, chaotic, invasive, uneconomical, wasteful | infrequent, restrained, thrifty, uncommon, noninvasive |
Social Networking | constant, addictive, obsessive, time-wasting, unhealthy, misleading, escapist, compulsive | mostly PSB use, networking usually in MC and mostly f2f and irl, efficient |
Face-to-Face Socializing | infrequent, hesitant, clumsy, ineffective, sullen, depressing, apathetic, annoying | frequent, effective, happy, open, inspiring, loving, compassionate, empowering |
WHY the extreme differences between normal neighorhoods and MC neighborhoods?
Normal neighborhoods use catch-as-catch-can childcare, prioritizing jobs over children—often just to make ends meet, but other times because the parents had unpleasant childhoods and trying to take care of kids feels awkward, chaotic, depressing, and like a thankless task done without help from anyone, like attempting nurturing in a vacuum. Crying children bring out the worst in parents whose own needs were poorly met during childhood. And the parents use rewards and punishments, bribes and spankings, resorting to threats, guilt trips, and scolding or even name-calling. Many naively believe that if they try their best and use their best instincts, everything will turn out just fine. But the cultural symptoms show just how ignorant such a strategy is. For research documenting these cultural symptoms, see our research section.

A couple that relates excellently and has kids whom they raise excellently
Relationships in general and parenting in particular take a bit of thoughtful study and practice, and reading and applying P.E.T. Parent Effectiveness Training empowers both relationships in general and parenting enormously. To supercharge this studying, read Supercharging MC Empowerment. Using a P.E.T.-guided, supercharged MC environment utilizing MC rules and protocols is the optimal nurturing environment, but even outside of an MC a P.E.T.-guided, supercharged environment will work wonders for relationships and childcare and elder care. Don't take our word for it—try it yourself.

Suburbia will never be the same once the MC movement begins—see MC drawings
Note the central structure in the MC neighborhood with Japanese garden picture, used for meetings, playing, childcare, elder care, and get-togethers.
Although the physical improvements you see in the MC neighborhood with Japanese garden picture above are a great boon to an MC, the most vital aspects of MCs are how relationships and childcare and elder care are handled. The chart above gives some amazing comparisons between normal and MC lifestyles. How can we be so sure, and what can you read so that you, too, can be sure? (See MCs—Frequently Asked Questions.) If you read every article on this website, you'd see why we're so sure. But there's a quicker way:
The best and fastest way to truly grasp what the MC environment and authoritative parenting can do for human growth and empowerment is to open your heart and read our novel The Forest Through The Trees.

The Forest Through The Trees