The Business Personal Status Board (PSB™)
The Business Personal Status Board (PSB™) is at the leading edge of holistic business connectedness and communication.
See a demo of the Business PSB™ here on our Business PSB™ demo page. As a demo, it pretends you have all the passwords and usernames so you can change anything, but in real use you'd only be able to change your own status and comment.
Please see this chart comparing business status boards.
In a world where efficiency and effectiveness of connectedness and communication is vital to give businesses that winning edge over the competition, the Business PSB™ has emerged as the one status board that gives the most holistic "sitrep" on what's happening regarding personnel. (SITREP is military speak for Situation Report—a report on the status of your unit and the progress of its mission.) A civilian sitrep is a Situation Report of the status of your business and the progress of its mission.
Documents, phone calls, forms, charts, managerial oversight, and having long boring meetings have all played a part in sitrep generation in times past. Computers made a few parts of this process more efficient, and oversight in some cases was substantially improved.
But in the competitive business climate of today, the sitrep generations of the past are giving way to the new wave of sitrep generation tools: status boards. They have proven themselves and are now being widely implemented as a result. They represent a quantum leap in the efficiency and effectiveness of sitrep generation.
Now anyone can see the sitrep of anyone else, but, what's even better and more holistic is that everyone can see the sitrep of everyone simultaneously. This last statement is true of the Business Personal Status Board (PSB™) and a few other status boards, somewhat true of some other boards, and not true at all of yet other boards. See our comparison of business status boards chart.
A holistic sitrep of the status of all personnel—and their projects—allows everyone to see what everyone else is doing and therefore gives the most immediate picture of how the company as a whole is doing. To the degree managers and VPs find it optimal for performance enhancement, they may have the status boards represent people, projects, or both, since all status code meanings are FULLY customizable. Additionally, there can be many boards in a company, and each board can be dedicated to specific departments, subdivisions, projects, or functions. So you can see just how flexible a tool the Business PSB™ truly is.
And you may use the Business PSB™ for as many Business PSB™s as you like without paying us anything extra beyond the initial selling price, as long as all the MySQL tables you create with our program files are located on one and only one MySQL database..
The Business PSB™ has a fully customizable set of 100 status code meanings (researched meanings designed to be the most needed business statuses) and it lets users change their own statuses and comments only, and no one else's (unless a user has another user's password and username as well as his own, for convenience—such as manager and staff or receptionist and manager).
There is also a Business PSB™ Plus (with Email) in which clicking the person's name on the status board opens up their default email program so you can send them a message.
If you wish to purchase the Business PSB™ for $49.99:

Business Version
If you wish to purchase the Business PSB™ Plus (with Email) for $59.99:

Business Version with Email
If you wish to purchase the Social PSB™ for $49.99:

Social Version
If you wish to purchase the Social PSB™ Plus (with Email) for $59.99:

Social Version with Email
If you wish to purchase the PSB™ Pro* for $49.99:

Pro Version
*NOTE: If you have the PSB™ Standard version and you decide you wish to host multiple PSB™s (or at least get administration programs for editing from the Web rather than from a host's control panel), and you need PSB, registration, and administration files, we can help. You will need to get our PSB™ Pro version which will have a file called convert-standard-psb-to-pro-psb.php that will help you update any MySQL tables from the PSB™ Standard version.
The difference between the Business PSB™ and PSB™ Pro is that the Business PSB™ has a different set of status codes and meanings (researched meanings designed to be the most needed business statuses) and it lets users change their own statuses and comments only, and no one else's (unless a user has another user's password and username as well as his own, for convenience—e.g., manager and staff or receptionist and manager). The PSB™ Pro lets any user change any other user's status or comment.
PSB™s help grease the relationship wheels!Personal Status Boards (PSB™s)
There are actually three types of PSB™s: The first is the only free type of PSB™ and we refer to it as an MC PSB™, where there is implied trust in a close group so that everyone can share one password and username and anyone can change anyone's status or comment—a must for childcare situations where there are caregivers updating statuses of children too young to do it themselves. If an MC finds out that a few members find the temptation of shenanigans too great to resist, so they play pranks with each other's statuses and comments, the MC is free to upgrade to the Social PSB™. Even though few people would know passwords and user names except their own, parents would need the passwords and user names of their young children who are too young to update their codes. MC PSB™s empower holistic social networking that is more EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE than usual social networking methods, and they take many of the headaches out of the childcare area—with which so many Americans are now struggling.
There's a Standard and a Pro version. The Standard version is described on the Standard PSB™ page, and it requires more file edits as well as having to type the people data into a MySQL database (it's free) on your website's server via the control panel. (There's an application called phpMyAdmin on the server control panel that makes this easy and intuitive.) This data entry is easy but needed. Unlike the Pro version and all other PSB™s, it has no "front end"—so anything you want to edit (except for statuses and comments, which users will change by simply using the PSB™), you type into your MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. The Pro version has a front end for administrator hosts to use for all editing of membership or user data. It's a complete application, as are the Social and Business PSB™s. Comparison Chart
ALL types of PSB™s require MySQL and a host to host the PSB™ files, as well as "creating" a database (simply name a MySQL database—which is already there and waiting), and adding at least one user with one password, with permissions, that pertain to the database. It's easy and there are this site and/or this site to guide you—they have tutorials on doing this. Once the database is ready and you edit and upload the configure.php file we'll send you along with the application files, that's it. Register as a member and enter your PSB™'s user names. There will be a readme.txt to guide you. Your register.php file will have been uploaded to your site at so save it as a Favorites link.
Standard PSB™ users will not register—they will simply name a (free) MySQL database on the server control panel, enter a user and password and permissions (all), use phpMyAdmin on the server control panel to enter data, and upload the files we send them. To use the Standard PSB™, go to or depending on whether you put the 6 files we send you in a folder or not.
The second type is a Social PSB™, where there is a group of friends or acquaintances or even relatives where trust, although sometimes present, is not implied, so each member gets his or her own password and user name and no one can change anyone's status or comment except his or her own. It's probably obvious that if everyone could change anyone's statuses and comments, for most groups of people this would be an open invitation to chaos and pranks. It's believed that a loving, trusting MC group would not misuse their PSB™s. Of course, if an MC finds out that a few members find the temptation of shenanigans too great to resist, they are free to upgrade to the Social PSB™. Social PSB™s empower holistic social networking that is more EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE than usual social networking methods.
The third type is a Business PSB™, where there is a group of employees or managers or even projects whose status changes often, or where frequent communication is required and there is a need for a holistic overview of the person statuses or project statuses OF many persons or projects BY many persons or projects. As with general Social PSB™s, trust, although sometimes present, is not implied, so each member gets his or her own password and user name and no one can change anyone's status or comment except his or her own. Business PSB™s empower holistic intra-business or inter-business communication and networking that is more EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE than usual business networking methods. It may also be used to monitor telecommuting associates or remote contract workers or employees who work from home, temporarily or permanently.
The MC PSB™ is not for sale (but both the Social PSB™ and the Business PSB™ are), but the source codes for the free version are in the zip file which you can get to from the MC PSB™ page.
(See a demo of the Business PSB™ here on our Business PSB™ demo page.)
You may copy the files and use the PSB™ yourself for your business, family, group, MC, local group of families, babysitting co-op, or whatever—any legal, legitimate group that is not about violence or hate or crime or treason or porn may use our PSB™ software. This site and the files we let you copy are all copyrighted material and you may NEVER sell any of them in any way (except if you paid us for them by buying a PSB™, in which case you may sell them as long as you delete all these files from all computers, servers, or any other storage device that you put them on). You may not change or omit the words PSB™ or Personal Status Board anywhere on your site or in the code or metatags. The Personal Status Board (PSB™) is our name for this software, which was invented as a concept by M.C. Smith in 1988, and created as an electronic device in 1988 as well, although software on the Internet is a more viable form, now. There just wasn't much of an Internet in 1988! Anyway, MCs are our name for microcommunities, although you're free to use the term however you like (but we'd prefer people use it in the sense presented on this website). PSB™s, however, are intellectual property and software copyrighted and trademarked by no one except MCS Investments, Inc., and any use of these materials not complying with the Terms of Use found here will result in legal action. So please honor the above terms of use—it's really not too much to ask!
PSB™ Version Comparison | |||||
PSB™ Version | Change Status/Comment | Front End | 100 Customizable Status Codes | Price | |
Standard PSB™ | anyone can change anyone's status | No | Yes | No | Free |
PSB™ Pro | anyone can change anyone's status | Yes | Yes | No | $49.99* |
Social PSB™ | you can only change your own status | Yes | Yes | No | $49.99 |
Social PSB™ Plus | you can only change your own status | Yes | Yes | Yes** | $59.99 |
Business PSB™ | you can only change your own status | Yes | Yes | No | $49.99 |
Business PSB™ Plus | you can only change your own status | Yes | Yes | Yes** | $59.99 |
** Click on the PSB™ members' Names in the PSB™ in order to open their email program and send them a message.