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Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War

a book by Wilfred Reilly

(our site's book review)

Most Hate Crimes Are a Hoax

The Amazon blurb says that If you believe the news, today's America is plagued by an epidemic of violent hate crimes.

But is that really true?

In Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War, Professor Wilfred Reilly examines over one hundred widely publicized incidents of so-called hate crimes that never actually happened. With a critical eye and attention to detail, Reilly debunks these fabricated incidents—many of them alleged to have happened on college campuses—and explores why so many Americans are driven to fake hate crimes. We're not experiencing an epidemic of hate crimes, Reilly concludes—but we might be experiencing an unprecedented epidemic of hate crime hoaxes.

When people in positions of power or visibility spout hoaxes and racist nonsense (such as 'hands up, don't shoot' which was based on a hoax), they should be rebuked for it
When people in positions of power or visibility spout hoaxes and racist nonsense (such as 'hands up, don't shoot' which was based on a hoax), they should be rebuked for it

Wilfred Reilly, a wise black man, tells us "Each of the notorious examples of hate crimes that I mentioned above was a hoax—although you probably have not heard that from the mainstream media. The woman who gained international fame by claiming that several boorish males ripped at her hijab on an NYC subway train simply made that up. The Black church was burnt by a Black parishioner who may have had an issue with the minister. The Albany “bus beating” of Black women; the burning of Velvet Ultra Lounge, the murder of Nabra Hassanen; the death threats made to Kean College students of color; and almost every damned noose found on an American university campus—all were fakes. That’s the real story behind the “Whites Only” signs found posted over University at Buffalo water fountains and the claims on social media that smiling servers often find “nigger” or “faggot” written on their receipts in place of a tip."

What's Holding Black Students Back Isn't Racism but Rather the Belief That the “White” World Is a Pervasively Racist Place

"An astonishing edifice of power and profit rests upon the assumption that the United States is a racist nation: affirmative action, minority business set-asides, NGO donations, corporate diversity initiatives, and academic departments of post-colonial brother-man studies are all highly profitable for their beneficiaries. The large non-governmental organizations that promote hate scares, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC); the NAACP, which does some good work but which also recently issued a racism-based “travel advisory warning” for the entire state of Missouri; Black Lives Matter and the Movement for Black Lives; the National Organization for Women (NOW); and the like owe their viability to this assumption." [Much power and profit rests upon the assumption that the United States is a racist nation.]

Liberal narrative insists that blacks are victims and whites are victimizers—they brainwash these beliefs into everyone in the vast number of liberal colleges, and woe be unto the student who decides to risk being resistant to absorbing these foolish, racist, politically correct beliefs
Liberal narrative insists that blacks are victims and whites are victimizers—they brainwash these beliefs into everyone in the vast number of liberal colleges, and woe be unto the student who decides to risk being resistant to absorbing these foolish, racist, politically correct beliefs

Reilly has taught at colleges for many years, currently at a top-thirty historically Black university, and he has learned that beyond any doubt, the primary thing holding Black students back is not racism but rather the belief that the “white” world is a pervasively racist place. And the liberal narrative very specifically insists that blacks are victims and whites are victimizers. They pound and brainwash and propagandize these beliefs into everyone in the vast number of liberal colleges. Woe be unto the student who decides to risk being resistant to absorbing these foolish, racist, politically correct beliefs.

Reilly: For Success, Blacks Need to Dump Stuff Like "Post-Colonial Studies" and Study Economics

Blacks, in order to follow a successful career path, need to major in fields like economics, which sets them up for lucrative employment, but blacks, whose brains are often brimming with victimhood, are often rejecting useful majors in favor of activist ones such as post-colonial studies. Such choices have no viable career paths in their futures. So the dirty trick here is that the whole victimhood context sets them up for failure so that they can carry placards in the street—which pays nothing. So the con here is the self fulfilling prophesy: tell them they're victims, pile up student debt in universities, keep them out of "white people's fields," convince them that studying their victim status will be very valuable to them, watch as they end up poor, broke, depressed, and marching in the streets (walking alongside Al Sharpton?) screaming about how the whites are victimizing them. Believe they are victims, become victims.

Here's an angry, highly indebted black fellow, freshly conned by the anti-white, pro-black liberal narrative, and he's got 'attitude' because he's just learned his degree in post-colonial studies is useless; yep—he's a victim of white conspiracy!
Here's an angry, highly indebted black fellow, freshly conned by the anti-white, pro-black liberal narrative, and he's got 'attitude' because he's just learned his degree in post-colonial studies is useless; yep—he's a victim of white conspiracy!

We have to ask, here, doesn't this recipe for failure seem like something the blacks-hating KKK would have dreamed up to hold the black man down? (And perhaps they did.) And yet the irony of it all is it is following the leftists and liberal narrative and liberal colleges' victimization propaganda that has victimized blacks so that they end up with no future, broke, and angry. The alt-right and KKK are innocent regarding the matter.. The blacks—by naively buying into the ludicrous political correctness nonsense—are victimizing themselves. Or by extension, the liberal narrative is victimizing them. The whole thing is an ugly self fulfilling prophesy, a con to hold down the black man—in the disguise of a pro-black liberal narrative aimed at raising up the black man by making him aware of the extremely racist whites that surround him and wish him ill (which is false).

It is following the liberal narrative and liberal colleges' victimization propaganda that has victimized blacks so that they end up with no future, broke, and angry, and the alt-right and KKK are innocent regarding the matter
It is following the liberal narrative and liberal colleges' victimization propaganda that has victimized blacks so that they end up with no future, broke, and angry, and the alt-right and KKK are innocent regarding the matter

America’s opportunities are closed to millions of black people—not because of widespread racism against blacks by whiles, but because of their own erroneous belief in widespread racism against them. Wilfred Reilly, a wise black man and professor, has written Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War to help blacks avoid the con, the self fulfilling prophesy, the dirty trick that can screw up their lives. And of course he wishes to clue in all Americans of the nasty effect the liberal narrative and its political correctness curse is having on our citizens. They are becoming fearful, angry, paranoid, and delusional that racist violence is everywhere, that they are in great danger, and a new civil war is about to break out.

Americans Are Becoming Fearful, Angry, Paranoid, and Delusional That Racist Violence Is Everywhere

Americans are becoming fearful, angry, paranoid, and delusional that racist violence is everywhere, that they are in great danger, and a new civil war is about to break out
Americans are becoming fearful, angry, paranoid, and delusional that racist violence is everywhere, that they are in great danger, and a new civil war is about to break out

Reilly sets the record straight: the liberal press is full of hoaxes that never get exposed. They are hurting our country and our citizens—especially blacks. If people see the real truth, they will be able to relax a bit and start feeling patriotic because the government is NOT out to kill them. Then military careers will be open to them, since they are no longer thinking it would be like handing a gun to one's executioner. The recruiters will be empowered to do their jobs better. When people in positions of power or visibility spout hoaxes and racist nonsense (such as 'hands up, don't shoot' which was based on a hoax), they should be rebuked for it. Given that most of the divisive claims of the activist Left—and, it goes without saying, of the alt-right—are lies and/or hoaxes, it is hard to imagine a more compelling task for American scholars than to point out the lies and/or hoaxes.

It seems indisputable that hoaxes make up a very large chunk of the pool of widely reported hate crimes, and quite possibly the pool of all reported hate crimes. Keep this in mind if you listen to the racist hate group Black Lives Matter spouting its lies and hoaxes
It seems indisputable that hoaxes make up a very large chunk of the pool of widely reported hate crimes, and quite possibly the pool of all reported hate crimes. Keep this in mind if you listen to the racist hate group Black Lives Matter spouting its lies and hoaxes

Hoaxes Make Up a Very Large Chunk of the Pool of Widely Reported Hate Crimes

The author has collected more than 400 cases of fake hate crimes that happened from 2010 to 2017. He says that "it seems indisputable that hoaxes make up a very large chunk of the pool of widely reported hate crimes, and quite possibly the pool of all reported hate crimes." Keep this in mind if you listen to the racist hate group Black Lives Matter spouting its lies and hoaxes.

Is this a hate crime? Some interracial fist fights are classified as hate crimes, others are not; in general, if black hits white, it's ignored, but if white hits black, it fits the extreme bias of the liberal narrative so it's likely to get reported as a hate crime
Is this a hate crime? Some interracial fist fights are classified as hate crimes, others are not; in general, if black hits white, it's ignored, but if white hits black, it fits the extreme bias of the liberal narrative so it's likely to get reported as a hate crime

If the fake hate crimes continue unabated and they do not get exposed, it's only a matter of time before the racial divisions they fuel will produce actual violence. As a matter of fact, they already have: See 'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

If the fake hate crimes continue unabated and they do not get exposed, it's only a matter of time before the racial divisions they fuel will produce actual violence. As a matter of fact, they already have
If the fake hate crimes continue unabated and they do not get exposed, it's only a matter of time before the racial divisions they fuel will produce actual violence. As a matter of fact, they already have

Obama—the worst president ever—got in on the act in 2014 when he did the worst possible thing he could do: collude with the black thugs, racebaiters and enablers spouting lies and hoaxes
Obama—the worst president ever—got in on the act in 2014 when he did the worst possible thing he could do: collude with the black thugs, racebaiters and enablers spouting lies and hoaxes

SPLC Gets $51,800,000 a Year for Labeling Anyone They Dislike as a Hate Group—Their Incentive Is to Find Hate Everywhere

There is a large and well-established grievance industry in the United States of America. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which thrives by labeling organizations such as the Family Research Council and Jewish Political Action Committee “hate groups,” has a ton of incentive for keeping the race war going: It receives $51,800,000 per year and it has a well-invested endowment of $432,000,000. Hate is big business! By labeling anyone they do not like as a “hate group,” they spread hate covertly while their declared purpose is fighting hate, teaching tolerance and seeking justice. Anyone who has seen how social justice warriors operate knows that "fighting hate, teaching tolerance and seeking justice" is a cover for intimidation to force compliance with liberal narrative standards. The SPLC is one of progressive America’s most influential and storied civil-rights organizations. The SPLC’s unfortunate transformation from a valuable anti-Klan watchdog into a glorified version of Media Matters for America was plain and obvious.

Cleareyed, fair-minded people on the left have long recognized the SPLC as a fundraising tool masquerading as a civil-rights group, but its absurd overreach has in recent years earned skeptical coverage from the likes of The Atlantic and PBS. The SPLC never sees honest disagreement over contentious issues if it can see “hate” instead. . . . There’s a lot of talk of the need for more civility in our public life. Any journalist who believes this should shun the SPLC. . . . SPLC basically made the philosopher Eric Hoffer’s famous line about organizational degeneracy its strategic plan: “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” (Source: The SPLC Designates Itself, Rich Lowry, National Review)

Charles Murray Midd
Angry mob attacks Charles Murray at Middlebury College and injures a professor

"Remember when an angry mob attacked Charles Murray at Middlebury College and injured a professor? Because of the SPLC, those protesters thought they were attacking a “white nationalist. . . . The [SPLC] climate was apparently so bad that two dozen employees signed a letter to the board of directors declaring that “they were concerned that internal ‘allegations of mistreatment, sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and racism threaten the moral authority of this organization and our integrity along with it.” . . . The rest of the world should recognize that a corrupt organization has generated corrupt assessments of its fellow citizens, and it should be ignored. . . . The SPLC is in a state of moral collapse." (Source: The Southern Poverty Law Center Is in a State of Moral Collapse, David French, National Review)

Social Justice Warriors Attack Speakers but Go Unpunished

At Middlebury, Vermont, controversial rightwing speaker Charles Murray was shouted down and never even got to speak. The students should have been suspended, but they were not since it might have "hurt their feelings." Uggggh!

Right after this assault, 177 PC professors around the U.S. signed an open letter protesting that the assailants had been disciplined, however minimally. The professors then blamed the Middlebury administration for the violence, since its decision to allow Murray to lecture constituted a 'threat' to students' delicate little feelings. Curiouser and curiouser . . . . Faculty failed to respond to students’ despicable behavior.

Campus leftists don't believe in free speech. Social Justice Warriors, in a politically correct trance of self-righteousness, believe in one-sided free speech. All speech is fine, as long as it is what THEY believe. You either parrot back to them their PC beliefs or you'll be harassed, trolled, insulted, attacked with pie in the face, or physically assaulted. They have no concept of free speech, which they believe should be a right that only those that are PC Social Justice Warriors should enjoy. Why their teachers are failing to show them the error of their ways is a mystery. Soon there will be no such thing as a discussion.

There are many non-hateful groups on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate list. But Antifa, which clearly is a hate group, is not on the list. The Southern Poverty Law Center wouldn't talk to [John] Stossel about their list. Stossel says screaming 'hate!' brings in money.
There are many non-hateful groups on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate list. But Antifa, which clearly is a hate group, is not on the list. The Southern Poverty Law Center wouldn't talk to [John] Stossel about their list. Stossel says screaming 'hate!' brings in money.

"There are many non-hateful groups on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate list. But Antifa, which clearly is a hate group, is not on the list. The Southern Poverty Law Center wouldn't talk to [John] Stossel about their list. Stossel says screaming "hate!" brings in money. . . . He says the Southern Poverty Law Center has become a hate group itself. It is now a left-wing, money grabbing, slander machine. . . . ." (Source: The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam: A "hate group" list loved by the media is bogus, John Stossel and Maxim Lott, Reason)

"They are being plagued with racism and sexism scandals at the Southern Poverty Law Center, some gigantic hoax of a charity supposedly keeping an eye on right-wing bigotry."—Rush Limbaugh

It would be foolish to deny that today SPLC has a deep-rooted interest in preserving the sort of bigotry which they 'fight' as a serious ongoing problem in the United States in order to continue receiving donations and funding—i.e., to see why they exist, follow the money
It would be foolish to deny that today SPLC has a deep-rooted interest in preserving the sort of bigotry which they 'fight' as a serious ongoing problem in the United States in order to continue receiving donations and funding—i.e., to see why they exist, follow the money

The Temptation to Generate Victimization Where None Exists Will Be Very Powerful as Long as It Pays So Well

Where there exists a reward or payoff for victimization—such as mainstream media coverage, popularity, or the chance to point the finger of blame at and/or punish enemies—the temptation to generate victimization where none actually exists will be very powerful. Liberals apparently have forgotten all about the 1964 Civil Rights Act which made institutional racism illegal. If you are naive or ignorant enough to believe the horse pucky that the social justice warriors spread around in their propaganda campaigns, then you believe the lives of blacks are an interminable nightmare of oppression. If you buy that nonsense, we have a bridge we'd like to sell you. See SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police (The Laws of Social Justice Book 1).

If you are naive or ignorant enough to believe the horse pucky that the social justice warriors spread around in their propaganda campaigns, then you believe the lives of blacks are an interminable nightmare of oppression. If you buy that nonsense, we have a bridge we'd like to sell you
If you are naive or ignorant enough to believe the horse pucky that the social justice warriors spread around in their propaganda campaigns, then you believe the lives of blacks are an interminable nightmare of oppression. If you buy that nonsense, we have a bridge we'd like to sell you

"Reilly concludes that America’s real problem is not the vaunted outbreak of Trump-inspired hate crimes but instead the Establishment’s hate hysteria: There is no race war in the USA in 2018. Let’s stop letting liars tell us there is…or we might actually get one. Reilly, whose politics seem to take after conservative eminence Thomas Sowell, has assembled a database of 409 recent fake hate crimes, which is a lot." (Source: LARPing Hate, Steve Sailer, Taki’s Magazine)

Speaking of hoaxes, the Jussie Smollett case is a classic case of people following the liberal narrative to a T. A rich black actor commits fraud and stages a fake hate crime complete with rope around neck=lynching a black. He faces 16 charges of fraud-related offenses but then—surprise!—Cook County prosecutors decided to dismiss all charges against Smollett! Why? No one knows. Let's see: he is rich, so that puts him in slap-on-the-wrist territory. He's a popular actor, so that puts him in slap-on-the-wrist territory. State attorney Kim Foxx had been in contact with a relative of the actor and had been approached by former First Lady Michelle Obama's one-time chief of staff on behalf of Smollett's family. Connections in high places, so that puts him in slap-on-the-wrist territory. But more than anything, he is black so he is by definition a victim of all the evil whites who'd like to lynch him for being an uppity rich gay black with a mere high school education (in Malibu—liberal capital of the world).

Senator Harris official senate portrait
Kamala Harris

So the first person that should be indicted on Kamala Harris's new bill to make "lynching" a federal crime will be Jussie Smollett, a black man who hired black men to put a rope around his neck. You can't make this stuff up.

Wikipedia editors are running cover for Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Harris was photographed rallying with Jussie Smollett two weeks before his hate hoax as Harris was pushing an anti-lynching bill. No more rally-with-Jussie pics, among other edits. This is where Jussie the Fraud got his idea for the lynching rope. More connections in high places, so that puts him in slap-on-the-wrist territory. The "blacks as victims of evil black-lynching white men" is right out of the liberal narrative, and as such it wasn't a crime, but a plea from all blacks to evil black-lynching white men to stop the genocide. (Jussie imagined he was helping his friend Senator Kamala Harris replace the hated Donald Trump as president.) Apparently, enough of the cops and attorneys in the case were totally sold on this narrative that it is surprising Social Justice Warrior Jussie the Fraud didn't receive a medal—even the Nobel Peace Prize like Obama.

Apparently, enough of the cops and attorneys in the Jussie Smollett case were totally sold on his lying narrative that it is surprising Social Justice Warrior Jussie the Fraud didn't receive a medal—even the Nobel Peace Prize like Obama, who claims he's not a crook, but we know better
Apparently, enough of the cops and attorneys in the Jussie Smollett case were totally sold on his lying narrative that it is surprising Social Justice Warrior Jussie the Fraud didn't receive a medal—even the Nobel Peace Prize like Obama, who claims he's not a crook, but we know better. See The Corruption Chronicles: Obama's Big Secrecy, Big Corruption, and Big Government.

(The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people". That is what they SAID. What he actually did, of course is bungle Mideast relations and guiding Iraq so badly that ISIS was formed to curse the Mideast and the rest of mankind for the rest of eternity. (Blacks and truth seem as incompatible as Trump and truth.) This is how the liberal narrative tells people to handle black people's errors. Get justice for the crimes committed? No way. Cover them up, distract us from them, make them magically vanish.)

So Jussie, after skating on 16 charges, is looking around, smirking, waiting for his medal—he's done the liberal narrative proud! Meanwhile, let us not overlook the biggest fraud in history: the liberal narrative itself!

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